Abundance of Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving!!

As Thanksgiving Eve is upon us, I just wanted to post a few thoughts on the changes of perspective of this holiday when you enter the so-called middle age and beyond stage of your life.

First, the number one item on the list of things to be thankful for is that we are just here to see and experience another Thanksgiving. When your a child or in your 20's, 30's or even 40's, it's usually not on your list, because quite frankly, we take it for granted. It's really rather eye opening when you realize the time here isn't forever. Not in theory, but when it resonates for real.

This definitely will alter your approach to life. Some of the little things that we stressed over, or became agitated from, just lose their impact. It's not worth it. It doesn't mean that old wiring doesn't occasionally rear its ugly head when we are stuck in traffic or someone slams a door in your face. What I have learned, is to take a beat. I tell myself the alternative, which is not being here to experience these annoyances, would be quite a bit more impactful. It's a process. I'm far from perfect with it. I have grown and need to do quite a bit more growing.

So on this holiday, I want to say I'm thankful for being here to celebrate my 62nd Thanksgiving. Enough people close to me in my life never made it that far. More importantly I'm thankful for learning more about what is genuinely important in life vs. what we think is important. Things are nice, but true connections in family and friendship are what matters more.

I always hear about Thanksgiving gatherings, especially of family members, that are things some people dread being part of. Perhaps it's over different political or religious views. Maybe it's a long running disagreement amongst siblings or an overly judgmental parent. I say we really need to park those things at the door, as life's too short to make what should be a chance to appreciate each other, instead of making it a toxic environment.

That being said, some ill feelings run deep. I'm just saying if you change your perspective sometimes, the weight of these matters could float a little lighter and allow us to maybe at least nudge a little closer.

Thanksgiving to me is the true kick-off of the holiday season. It's also a great reminder to tell the people around us how thankful and grateful we are for them and the things they do. This is also something that shouldn't be isolated to just this time of the year. It's a behavior that should be practiced everyday. In a world where currently social graces are rapidly fading into a dark abyss, I always make a point to thank those who still practice social politeness in their behavior to others. We need to encourage and reinforce gratefulness those that are thankfully still behaving in this respectful way.

So last, but certainly not least, my list of some of the things I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving. First of course, my new wife, Edmi. One of the most truly genuine souls I've ever met in life. To have a partner that makes you a better person is really a gift.

Next up is my new grandson, Enzo. My son Jeremy & daughter-in-law Kaitlyn, who are also on my list, brought this perfect little person into the world in August and I can't get enough of him.

My amazing baby girl, my daughter Carly, who has my heart forever. I'm thankful for my mom who is still going strong at 89. My brother & sister who round out the Cimino family. I'm thankful for that little four legged creature, Tula, that greets me with unabashed enthusiasm every time I come through the door. Don't want to leave out Chucho, but being a cat, he won't be taking the time to read this I'm sure.

The list could go on and on, but I will leave it at thankful for so many wonderful friends, many like family to me. Grateful for my job and career at PIX11. Finally, to the beginning of this post, I'm most thankful for being here another day. Without that, nothing else really matters.

To all reading this, have a wonderful, happy and healthy Thanksgiving and beyond. Take the time to pause and reflect a bit on this day about the positive things in your life, and put the negative in a vault, for at least the holiday season.

Sunshine Always.