Cruising Alaska With C.C.

Chris Cimino

1/16/20246 min read

I'll start out by stating I've never taken a cruise. I've been on boats for smaller excursions, mainly ferries or smaller motorboats. Let me just say, my head and stomach had varying results. I've never officially been seasick to the point of the technicolor yawn, but all of these journeys were of rather short duration.

So when a friend of mine, Scott Walters of Walters Wanderings travel agency, approached me about being part of an Alaskan cruise, I did have a little trepidation.

Scott and I were trying to put together a tour with myself and company a few years back to Iceland. As timing would have it, something called a pandemic struck and the repercussions of Covid kept the concept of traveling for many limited to a trip to the grocery store. With interest to travel having dwindled dramatically back then, we had to cancel the excursion.

I still have not been to Iceland and hope to get there in the coming years. With that being said, going to Alaska and taking a cruise along the coast was on my bucket list.

As some of you may or may not know, I've become somewhat addicted to travel over the last 10 years. Life threw me a huge set of curveballs that fooled me, but also taught me. Embrace life. Cherish it. It's fleeting. We are really only renters of our own lives and bodies and the eviction notice can sometimes come without much warning.

Travel was always something that intrigued me, but I never quite saw myself doing much beyond the U.S. and perhaps the Caribbean.

When I was approaching 50, I took my first excursion to Europe. A 14 day journey that opened my eyes to so many things. When I got home, all I could think of, was where do we go next. Well, that's when one of those curveballs came. Right at my head in fact. All of that's for another time and has been dealt with in previous blogs, if you so desire to journey back and read.

I did then resume my traveling life about 8 years ago and really haven't stopped. From journeys to Asia, South Africa, Arctic Circle to much of Europe, I still find there is so much more to explore.

This year my wife and I are primarily sticking to the U.S., to places I've or we've never been. That brings me to the topic of this post. We are going on an Alaskan cruise!

Many years ago when I was about 6 or 7 years old, an aunt and uncle on my grandfather's side would often come to the house and tell tales of their world travel. I would hear about London, Paris & Rome as well as their journey on an African safari. I remember thinking, how could someone living in NYC go to Africa and come back, not eaten by a lion. However, the one trip they spoke the most highly of and claimed to be their favorite, was an Alaskan cruise.

That has always stuck in my head and has been on my travel bucket list. Now I am planning on actually checking it off in style aboard the Celebrity Edge. From this point forward I will be telling you about the plan for this journey slated for August. It's called The Chris Cimino Weather or Not Cruise to Alaska. I really hope you'll consider coming along and joining me and other guests, as we explore this 49th state celebrating only its 65th year of statehood. A mere child of the U.S.A.

Before I give you the details of this trip here are a few fun facts about Alaska:

Alaska has more coastline than the rest of the U.S. combined (more than 34,000 miles).

Of the 20 highest peaks in the U.S. Alaska is home to 17 of them.

Alaska has more than 100 volcanoes and volcanic fields.

There are more than 3,000 rivers and 3 million lakes in Alaska

About 3% of Alaska is covered by glaciers

Alaska has the lowest population density in the country, 1 person per square mile.

There's much more, but we can talk about that together on the trip.

So let's get to it. First, this info can be found on Facebook by joining the group Chris Cimino Weather or Not. You could also contact Scott Walters who's putting the trip itinerary together at Walter's Wandering directly, at Phone: 845-558-1225 or on Facebook at

OK. Let's get going!

The Celebrity Edge cruise leaves out of Seattle, Washington, on Friday, August 23rd. The route the ship takes is referred to as the Alaska Inside Passage. What this means primarily, that for noncruisers/boaters like myself who might be susceptible to sea sickness, it's highly unlikely, as the ship's route takes you over calmer more protected waterways, away from the surge of the Pacific Ocean. That being said, there are also many effective options and things you could do beforehand that could prevent the risk of seasickness. Believe me, I've researched them and am ready if need be, so please don't let that deter you from coming along on this amazing once in a lifetime journey.

Walter suggests getting to Seattle a day or two earlier to explore this amazing city as well, or perhaps you can do it on the back end of the trip, if you have the time.

In any event, we sail out from port in Seattle at 4PM, Friday, August 23. and spend the next day at sea heading to our first destination, Ketchikan.

Leaving Seattle 4PM, Friday, August 23
Leaving Seattle 4PM, Friday, August 23
Day 2/Saturday - At sea on Celebrity Edge
Day 2/Saturday - At sea on Celebrity Edge

Day 1 Friday 4PM - Sail out of Seattle, WA

Day 2 Saturday - At sea aboard Celebrity Edge

Day 3 Sunday - Dock at Ketchikan, AK 7AM - 4PM

Day 4 Monday - Cruising Endicott Arm

Day 4 Monday - Juneau, AK - dock 1:30PM- 10PM

Day 5 Tuesday - Skagway, AK - dock 7:00AM- 6:00PM

Day 5 Tuesday - Alaska Inside Passage Cruising

Day 6 Wednesday - Cruising - Enjoy the many things to do aboard Celebrity Edge

Day 7 Thursday - Victoria British Columbia - Docked: 5:30PM - 11:59PM

Day 8 Friday - Seattle, WA Arrive: 6:00AM

Click on the link here for a quick look.....

In this blog I just wanted to give you all a broad overview of this exciting journey to Alaska aboard one of the most beautiful modern ships on the sea today. My wife recently spoke with Mark Ellwood, a travel journalist who has written for and contributed to Conde Nast Traveler, Wall Street Journal and New York Times, to name a few. She told him of our next planned trip and he was very excited to hear about it.

The one thing he said emphatically, is that many people don't realize, but "the best way to see Alaska is by cruise." I'm going to take his word on that and I hope you do to.

In addition to what I've shown you here, there are excursions and experiences you can enjoy while in the various stops along the way. From a train ride through the Yukon, to panning for gold or even a dog sled ride, their will be whale watching and glacier viewing, as well as many other nature peeping experiences.

I really would love for you to consider joining me in this exciting journey. For more information regarding pricing and options on the cruise, please contact Scott Walter at Walters Wanderings. Again the information is down below or above.

If you have any questions of me, feel free to reach out as well.

Sunshine Always!!!